Frequently Asked Questions
Is my property flood affected?
To determine if your property is flood affected you will need to apply for a
Section 10.7 Planning Certificate.
How do I determine the extent of flood affection of my my property?
Hornsby Shire Council has a draft Flood Map, however this map does not provide the 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) flood extent or flood level information. You will need to apply for Q100 stormwater flow rates from Council and engage a Qualified Hydraulic Engineer to prepare a flood report for your property.
How do I confirm whether my property is subject to restrictions or easements on the land title?
You will need to obtain a title search from NSW Land Registry Services.
I'm buying property and unsure how to interpret the restrictions on the land title?
You will need to seek your own professional advice from a registered conveyancer or solicitor.
I have concerns relating to stormwater runoff affecting my property
Further information regarding stormwater drainage on private properties can be found via
Stormwater Drainage on Private Properties.
Enquiries relating to pits/pipes/footpaths within the road reserve
Please contact Council’s Assets & Maintenance Team unless the enquiry relates to a Development Application or Subdivision Works Certificate.